Yes, well, maybe that wasn't a surprise, but anyways, I have gained a new appreciation for the United States and GA in particular. I love my state. Also, I love my family and friends-they showed me so much love while I was home, I cried one time even. lol. I think I went out to eat with friends and family almost every day I was home. Also, speaking to my Christian friends and family was really encouraging
as they helped me to realize that my experience in the PC might be hard, but I'm there for a reason and I'm doing good. It was very nice to see how so many people are supporting me outside the PC and inside the PC! It's quite amazing...I feel very blessed with all the support and love I have.
So, coming back home for the first time after 8 months was definitely interesting. I asked many Peace Corps friends how they did it, how it felt, etc. to prime myself before leaving and coming back. BUT, I must admit, I was not really overwhelmed. I did not have a panic attack...even though, I definitely understand how that is possible. But, no, everything seemed pretty normal except a few things:
>There was ALWAYS toilet paper in the bathrooms...I felt so spoiled. In Honduras, if you don't bring your own toilet paper, well, you won't have any.
>DIVERSITY!! I got to see so many different people...Asians, African Americans, whites, etc. I was SO excited!! :)
>I got to ride in my OWN CAR! You don't understand...usually if I do get to ride in a car in Honduras, I'm not on the inside. I ride in the back-it's quite sad.
>The bathroom is inside the house and close by...I did not have to walk through the house, down the stairs, and outside to get to the bathroom! It was so nice.
> I get to choose the temperature of my water everywhere I the faucet, in the shower, etc. In Honduras, everything is one degree...pretty cold. lol.
One thing I did miss however, was my friends that I've made in Honduras and speaking Spanish. I actually enjoy speaking Spanish now. But, I will get plenty of that when I go back in like 5 days.
So, for now, I'm enjoying home cooked meals..I actually did eat collard greens and cornbread (Alicia)! lol. I also have had Godiva chocolates, Dip 'N Dots, sausage balls, biscuits with honey, spinach and bacon quiche, amazing sushi, etc.
Also, I went back to Emory University and saw the new updates and a couple of old friends. And, I got to meet new people and new places. ALSO, I did not plan this...but, I actually came back to celebrate 2 holidays (Mardi Gras and St. Patrick's Day). Although Mardi Gras is a heathen holiday, it was fun creating mini floats. Anyways, I'm so excited about coming home and soaking up the U.S. and will go back to Honduras ready to work again and wait to come back for Christmas...this whole journey is going by SO fast, but I'm enjoying it and I know the Lord is using this time to teach me more about the world and myself.
Thank you all for everything!
Victoria :)